46 Anglers Got Stuck On A Floating Chunk Of Ice (Rescued By Coastguard)
Lake Erie</a> walleye were rescued after unstable ice conditions caused a patch of ice to detach from shore leaving them stranded on a floating ice chunk a mile out. Quick acting first responder's using airboats and a helicopter were able to successfully rescue the stranded anglers within a few hours.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:image {"id":15356} --><figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="https://shopkarls.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Untitled-design-2-1024x536.jpg" alt=" class="wp-image-15356"/></figure><!-- /wp:image --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>While it's easy to play the Monday Morning Quarterback and call these anglers foolish for venturing out in such dangerous conditions, I'm not going to do that.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>I may have been one of those guys too. Chasing <a href="https://shopkarls.com/blog/state-largemouth-bass-record-america/">big bites</a> gives me tunnel vision where the end goal (fish) turns into my only focal point. I get so caught up in fishing that it leads me to think less critically about things that don't involve catching a fish.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>This story serves as a reminder of why it's important to think thoughtfully before embarking on something potentially dangerous, like <a href="https://shopkarls.com/blog/ice-fishing-101/">ice fishing</a>. <br></p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>Also, Shoutout to the US Coast Guard for coming in so clutch with the assist on this one. Those guys and gals are truly incredible. Make sure to check out our <a href="https://shopkarls.com/blog/boat-safety/">boating tips blog</a> to help you have a safe boating season!</p><!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Updated March 11th, 2019 at 11:40 AM CT