How To Catch More Walleyes With The Bite Booster
What do you call a blade bait, a crankbait, a jig, and a spoon all rolled into one? The Bite Booster, that’s what.
Seeing as though Mystery Tackle Box is dedicated to providing anglers unprecedented access to the latest and greatest baits from all over the world – we would be remiss not to let the word out on this truly unique lure, recently patented by a Ukrainian angler, and marketed by a team of dedicated Canadian fishermen.The Bite Booster Trolling Plus S is the first lure designed off the patent to be marketed in North America. It’s essentially a stainless steel “Swiss Army Knife of a lure” designed to be effective under any circumstances, whether trolled, casted, or jigged. It’s patented 3 hole line tie system allows you to adjust its diving depth and wobble simply by tying in a different position.
The Bite Booster is already becoming a hot ticket across the Canadian Shield lakes for walleyes, because it allows trollers precise depth control, and casters a unique vibration on retrieve – all in a baitfish sized profile.Whether you troll it, cast it, or even vertically jig it – the Bite Booster is certainly worth checking out, and you can guarantee the walleyes in your local lake haven’t seen anything like it.
Updated June 5th, 2017 at 2:38 PM CT