Complete Your #MTBSlam To Win $100 in Free Tackle!
The #MTBSlam is a contest combining our two favorite things: Fishing and Free Tackle. We have had thousands of entries over the years, and are going to start announcing the winners each month right here on the blog!
#MTBSlam Rules
Entering the MTB Slam is easy. All you have to do is get a Mystery Tackle Box, get out on the water, and catch a fish on every bait in the box. Record yourself catching all those baits (for proof, can't ever trust a fishermen), upload to YouTube with the #MTBSlam hashtag in the title, and we will pick a winner! Winners will be picked on editing/creativity/size of fish/general cool videos.If you don't catch one on all of the baits, don't worry! You can still enter and be qualified as a runner up. All entries will be picked on the 20th of the following month. So, for example, on the 20th of May we selected a winner and runner up for those who caught fish on every bait in their April bass box. Check them out here!
#MTBSlam Winners
For the month of May, here are the #MTBSlam Winner ($100 in free tackle) and MTBSlam Runner Up ($40 in free tackle)!
Runner Up
#MTBSlam Past Favorites From The Googan Squad
We receive tons of entries, so to make yours stand out you can post it on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and tag us in there as well! Check out some of the YouTubers we sponsor like LakeForkGuy to see their monthly MTBSlam and see how to make awesome videos!
Updated April 27th, 2017 at 2:49 PM CT