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Dude Flips His Car In Crash, Immediately Gets Out Unharmed And Goes Fishing

Dude Flips His Car In Crash, Immediately Gets Out Unharmed And Goes Fishing

So this story is a little odd but felt like I had to share. I could ramble on and on about what a legend he is, but it’s almost just as funny to me to see how genuinely confused the news anchor was when she was reading the story. You’ll have to go here to watch since they don’t let people embed their videos, but it’s pretty good.

She gives confused looks such as this:

Jon B. mantra: Keep fishing, never stop. If I had to guess, I’d say that’s all this driver was trying to do. If I’m on my way to fish, nothing can stop me. Not even flipping my car over completely.

Honestly, though, dude is a legend for this move. I hope he’s OK, but I think he just ran off so no one would find his honey hole!

Updated December 4th, 2019 at 12:19 PM CT