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Dude Catches Lake Record Fish On A McDonald's Chicken Nugget

Dude Catches Lake Record Fish On A McDonald's Chicken Nugget

I knew those golden rocks of deliciousness were good for more than just making me hate myself every time I eat them. Turns out, McDonald's Chicken Nuggets are a pretty good bait.According to WHNT19 News, this couple was having a tough day on the water when they jokingly suggested they add a chicken nugget to their hook. While I am a firm believer in NEVER wasting chicken nuggets, I also believe in trying new baits, so I appreciate the innovation.The chicken nugget, assumed to be Texas rigged to drag through the muck, brought back one heck of a catch. Matthew McNellis is now the lake record holder at Texas Lake Bardwell with a 10.80 lb, 24.5 inch largemouth! Good luck to all you record chasers out there, you might want to upgrade to a tender next time. Also, it's impossible to talk about chicken nuggets on the internet without King Curtis being referenced, so please enjoy:

The fish was released after photos.

Updated June 2nd, 2017 at 2:26 PM CT