11 Ways To Cure Your Cabin Fever This Winter
It’s officially cold outside. That officially sucks. While some of you are lucky enough to live where “cold” means 55 degrees (looking at you California and Florida), and some of you are bold enough to brave the elements and ice fish, the rest of us are stuck without fishing until the weather warms up.What are we supposed to do all this time? Our jobs? Arts & crafts?? TALK TO PEOPLE??? No thanks! Here are 10 winter-friendly fishing activities to cure your cabin fever until the snow melts!
1. Fish At Home
For some reason this product exists, so now in the winter you can fish from your favorite seat in the house!
2. Ice Fish
Maybe you're reading this and thinking "Fishing withdrawals in the winter?? Just ice fish!" I applaud your dedication.
3. Practice Your Trick Casts
Take part in our weekly #MTBTrickShot competition and win yourself a free box!
4. Take A Fishing Trip With Your Friends
It's not cold everywhere, right? Pack the poles in the car, grab your buddies, and head to a warmer state!
5. Watch Fishing YouTube Videos
Check out our YouTube channel to learn some helpful tips while you're stuck indoors!
6. Organize Your Tackle Box
Prevent getting hooked every time you reach in the box by organizing your tackle!
7. Fish Indoors
Indoor fishing is especially popular in Europe and Asia, but there are plenty of places in America you can fish indoors too!
8. Read Pro Fishing Tips
Besides YouTube videos, you can check out great fishing blogs like ours that are constantly giving out fishing tips and how-to posts!
9. Try Some Fishing Pranks
Prank your friends by dropping a frog in their cereal or catch and release the luggage of some unsuspecting mall shoppers. (If you do come up with some cool pranks, be sure to post them on Instagram and tag us!)
10. Clean Your Gear!
Make sure those rods and reels are clean before you pack them away for the winter. They'll look good as new in the spring!
11. Load Up On Baits With Mystery Tackle Box
Reload your arsenal! By spring time you'll have tons of new baits to keep the lines tight when you're back on the water!
Check out "The Other KVD" and his severe symptoms of cabin fever:
Updated November 15th, 2018 at 4:21 AM CT