Ice Fisherman Catches Rare (And Huge) Saugeye!
MTB Subscriber Craig Buck took his Mystery Tackle Box out on hard water, and came back with some incredible photos and a new species to check off his bucket list. Craig sent us images of his awesome catch from below the ice, as he measured this Saugeye at a whopping 29.5 inches!
For those of you wondering exactly what a Saugeye is, here's a little more on this hybrid species:
What is a Saugeye?
A saugeye is a hybrid species, spawning from a Female Walleye and a Male Sauger. They tend to be confused with their parent species and are sometimes classified by befuddled anglers as "a weird-looking sauger" or a "darker, uglier walleye." They have white tail tips like a walleye, and darker splotchy backs like a sauger.
How Do I Catch A Saugeye?
Saugeye can be caught year round, primarily in the Central and Midwestern parts of the United States, prominently areas near the Mississippi River. Try throwing leeches, spoons, minnows, or live bait imitators resembling the local forage. Check out some more pics of this awesome species below!
Updated March 21st, 2016 at 4:56 PM CT