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2 Anglers Step Onto Sketchy Ice And End Up Floating Down River

2 Anglers Step Onto Sketchy Ice And End Up Floating Down River

Officials on scene said the current was moving so slow, it was easy for rescue crew divers to rescue the men using a rapid deployable craft. The divers got the men off their mattress, which was on top of an ice sheet — and on to land. There were no injuries reported and both men were able to get to land safely. The rescue took four minutes, according to the Rockford Fire Department.

WIFR Rockford

Blinded By The Light

Photo Credit: Pam Munger via WIFR TV

It seems like the chance of catching a fish can warp people's judgment causing them to do things they normally would not. Tunnel vision sets in, and common sense goes out the window. If you've fished long enough, think back to a time when something hazardous happened. Was it from hooking yourself while hastily making the next cast? Or maybe you lazily laid a lure in your tackle tray only to get pricked later in the day? What about the time you decided to "send it" to the next spot even though you were low on gas or battery?

Foolish Things Are Bound To Happen

Catfishing Gone Wrong</a>'' moment when a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">mature channel catfish</a> slid off the end of a fillet table and jammed its barb into the side of my calf. I ended up spending the week in a hospital, and I almost lost my leg.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>I've been there, my friends have been there, and now it looks like these two lucky anglers from Northern Illinois have also joined the fishing flub club. </p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:heading {"align":"center","level":4} --><h4 class="has-text-align-center">Play It Safe</h4><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:image {"align":"center","id":25773,"width":320,"height":180,"sizeSlug":"large"} --><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter size-large is-resized"><img src="" alt="Ice anglers rescued" class="wp-image-25773" width="320" height="180"/><figcaption>Photo Credit: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">WIFR TV</a></figcaption></figure></div><!-- /wp:image --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>While ice fishing is rewarding, social, and challenging, it is also inherently dangerous. Practice ice safety by fishing with a friend, staying cautious, having the proper equipment, and avoiding things that seem questionable, like fishing near an open river on March 1st in Northern Illinois.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p><strong>Bonus Tip</strong> - If someone shows up to go ice fishing in gym shoes, ignore most of the things that person tells you (no offense guy). </p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:image {"align":"center","id":25788,"sizeSlug":"large"} --><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter size-large"><img src="" alt=" class="wp-image-25788"/><figcaption>What are those?!</figcaption></figure></div><!-- /wp:image --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>Kudos to the search and rescue team for helping out our fellow anglers. For everyone fishing hard and getting after it, stay safe!</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} --><p class="has-text-align-center"><strong>Want to brush up on fishing safety? We've got you covered:</strong></p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Ice Fishing Safety: 9 Tips For Fishing Hard Water This Winter</a></p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Fishing First Aid: What You Need To Know And What You Need To Bring</a></p><!-- /wp:paragraph -->

Updated March 3rd, 2021 at 7:34 AM CT