Tips From The Other KVD: How To Make Your Fish Look Bigger
This post was guest written by Karl "The Other KVD" VonDibbleEveryone who reads this blog knows I obviously catch tons of fish. SOMETIMES,though, they aren’t the biggest fish in the lake. So how do I show off to my neighbor’s 10year old nephew that always makes fun of me if my fish are small? Well, there are a fewtricks of the trade a seasoned fisherman like myself knows. Here is how to make yourfish look way bigger than it is.
A lot of people like to hold up their hand or foot next to the fish for scale. So I keep a small shoe in my tackle box. Put it next to a fish, say it’s a “men’s size 12” and BAM! You’ve got yourself a 20 inch fish.
If your fish isn’t too big, the best way to make it look huge is to get it as close to the camera as possible. I do arm stretches every night before bed to practice reaching out as far as I can to get my fish to look bigger.
Now I’m not saying to flat out lie, but if you say your fish is 11 lbs but your phonedied, who are they to say otherwise? Maybe your fish was 1 pound and you just accidentally hit the “1” button twice and they went with 11? That’s on them.
How to tie a knot, how to land your fish, and how to use Photoshop. These are the 3 most important skills for any angler. Once I found the "free transform" button, I got a ton more followers on Instagram.
This is a clutch one. When someone else catches the fish, grab the net, grab the fish, and take a quick pic before you hand it to them. Post it before they have a chance to, and BAM, no one knows!
Updated September 13th, 2018 at 5:21 AM CT