You Need To Watch This Fishing Video - It Will Melt Your Heart
I see videos of people catching big bass daily, after a while, they begin to feel the same. But last week, I stumbled upon a video that just hit me a little different. Enough so, that I felt like sharing it with you.
Watch below as a young angler catch his biggest bass ever!
MUST WATCH - The Most Precious Fish Release Ever
If you're an angler—and you have a beating heart—you should appreciate this video (if you don't... well, that's pretty messed up).
From start to end, this entire video screams passion. The type of emotion that seriously can't be made up..... Catching a personal best in front of your dad is pretty cool. But, doing it on camera while you professionally commentate the entire scenario is cool. Like really cool.
The amount of joy in this video ran chills down my spine. It reminds me of being 10 years old, sitting on the bank fishing for largies with my dad. We never caught fish like Ke'Mari (I grew up in IL) but man did we have fun.
Shout out to Ke'Mari for sharing this sweet video and also to his father for clearly raising this dude right.
https://gph.is/g/46gjXB8Find something to love the way Ke'mari loves this largemouth.
And The Crowd Goes Wild!
The number of positive comments on his videos was the icing on the cake. I'll share some of my favorite comments below. The kid is clearly special and his future is bright.
Updated October 22nd, 2019 at 1:02 PM CT