Meet The Anglerfish: The Fish That Invented Fishing
This nightmare-fuel fish, called the anglerfish, is one of the scariest looking species swimming through the ocean. Located in The Monterey Bay just off the Pacific Coast of California, the aptly nicknamed "Black Seadevil" has an illuminating head that acts as a lure for their prey.The gigantic inward-shaped mouths on these have 2 main purposes: 1. To trap unsuspecting fish that are swimming through extremely dark depths, and 2. To strengthen my stance on never swimming in the ocean.Female anglerfish are the only gender equipped with this "fishing pole" atop their head, a natural adaptation that has kept their species alive for over 100 million years. To check out more on this crazy species of fish, and to ensure you won't be able to sleep tonight, check out the video below courtesy of the Monterey Bay Aquarium:
Updated June 22nd, 2017 at 12:38 PM CT