1Rod1Reel Fishing Goes To A World Famous Lake With The Biggest Mystery Tackle Box Ever Made
From the 1Rod1Reel YouTube fishing channel, Mike Hsiao recently explored the famed Bienville Plantation, which is home to a series of private lakes and ponds with world-class bass fishing. During his stay, Mike busted out the Mystery Tackle Box Juggernauht Box, the biggest box in history, which contains between 16-22 premium lures holding a value of $140.
Available only at Dick’s Sporting Goods, the Mystery Tackle Box Juggernaught Box is loaded to the brim with crankbaits, jigs, soft plastics, and other fishing equipment vetted by a team of angling experts. Every box feels like Christmas morning, and the contents help you save up to 40% compared to retail pricing.
On top of the best baits at a discounted price, every Juggernaut purchase enters you for the chance to win $30,00 in fishing prizes, including your very own boat! Learn more at Dick’s Sporting Goods!
A glimpse into what Mike received in his Mystery Tackle Box Juggernaut
- Every Mystery Tackle Box Juggernaut comes loaded with lures from brands like BioSpawn, Googan Squad, Ark Fishing, Lake Fork Tackle, and more!
- Save money while loading up on premium tackle!
- Every purchase automatically enters you in a boat giveaway!
- Available at your local Dick's Sporting Goods store or online at dickssportinggoods.com
Updated March 30th, 2022 at 10:25 AM CT