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Here Are The 6 Best Places To Find Bass Around The Spawn

Here Are The 6 Best Places To Find Bass Around The Spawn

Here are six simple tips to help you target the bass spawn more efficiently. Targeting the bass spawn can be a rewarding experience for anglers, but it's important to approach it with the right strategy. Here are six simple tips to help you improve your chances of success.

1) Northern Bays

When it comes to locating spawning bass in the spring, warm water is a key factor. One tip for finding warm water is to focus on the northern section of lakes. These areas typically receive the most sunlight, which means they warm up faster than other areas of the lake. Shallow northern bays, in particular, can be a prime location to find spawning bass. By targeting these areas, you can increase your chances of finding active, feeding fish.

1)River/Creek Channels

In the spring, bass use river channels as underwater highways to move from deep wintering holes to shallow pre-spawn locations. By following creek or river channels, you can more easily target bass as they make this journey. These channels provide a clear path for the fish, making it easier for you to intercept them along the way. By focusing your efforts on these areas, you can improve your chances of finding active, feeding fish and increase your overall success during the spring spawn.

3) Hard Cover (Docks, Rocks, Metal, Wood)

When fishing for bass during the spring spawn on bright sunny days, it can be helpful to look for areas of cover that retain heat. Rocks, metal pilings, and wood are all examples of cover that can hold heat from the sun during warm spring days. These areas can be particularly attractive to bass and other fish, as they offer a source of warmth and can help the fish regulate their body temperature. By targeting these areas, you can increase your chances of finding active, feeding fish and improve your overall success on the water.

Pro Tip: When you see a turtle perched on top of a log in the springtime, you're in the right spot.

4) Water Inflow (Creek Channels, Discharges)

Creek mouths, warm water discharges and other areas where water is flowing into a lake can be a prime area for prespawn fish. Look for inflowing water in the backs of creeks and bays and you should find the bass.

5) Secondary Points

Female bass often loiter in deeper water near spawning grounds before actually pushing up to start spawning. During this time, male bass will be shallow waiting for the females to arrive while the girls sit safely in deeper water. Look for secondary points near spawning grounds to target big female bass at this time.

The first point inside of a ''main lake point'' is known as a secondary point. These are prime staging areas for big prespawn fish.

6) Docks

The shade, structure, and fact that docks are in shallow water make them popular areas for targeting bass throughout the spawning process. Look for docks near shallow flats, or with hard bottom like rocks, gravel, or sand.

Using finesse baits and casting from a distance will increase your chances at targeting spawning dock fish.

Updated March 15th, 2023 at 12:26 PM CT