The 10 Stages Of Catching Your First Fish
Whether it was as a toddler, teenager, or adult, we were all beginners at some point. Even the professionals had to start somewhere, and that first day out on the water takes us through a lot of different feelings. It’s the high’s and low’s that made us fall in love with the sport and keep us coming back every time. Here are the 10 stages of catching your first fish:
1. Getting Nervous To Go
Source: gurl.comYou get invited on a fishing trip. Cool, sounds like fun! Wait..you have no idea how to fish.
2. Figuring Out What Lure to Use
Source: GiphyYou got your Mystery Tackle Box, you're loaded up with gear, now which one of these is going to help you catch a fish today?
3. Your First Cast
Source:GiphyYou rig up your bait, find a good patch of open water, reach back and cast that thing out there.
4. Wondering If There Are Even Fish In This Lake
Source: TumblrYou've been at it for hours. Please just don't be the only one in the group to get skunked.
Source: TumblrYou feel a hearty tug at the pole on your retrieve!
6. Realizing Your "First Bite" Was Just A Snag
Source: ReplygifThat tug was just your bait getting caught in the weeds, and you just got a little too excited for nothing.
7. A Real Bite!
Source: OcanadaAfter trying all your lures in all the spots on the lake, you finally get your first fish on the line!
8. Actually Reeling A Fish In
Source: GifrificYou got a real bite, you hooked a real fish, and now you're actually bringing it in!
9. Releasing Your First Catch
Source: TumblrAs much as you'll always remember the first fish, gotta let her go and give someone else a chance to catch her too!
10. Go Catch Another!
Source: ReactiongifYou're basically a professional at this point, and you loved the adrenaline rush. Get back out there and do it again!
Updated November 12th, 2015 at 10:47 AM CT