The Fishing Season That Lasted Only 8 Hours
Forget to set your alarm clock and you might miss the Black Lake Sturgeon fishing season.
With limited fish available, the Michigan DNR set regulations so tight that this year's season ended in a single day.
Both spearing and standard fishing methods were fair game during the season set from February 1st-5th or until 7 sturgeon are harvested. It took a crowd of roughly 450 anglers 8 hours to reach the limit with fish ranging from 16 to 100 pounds.
Black lake is WAY up north. The colder the climate, the slower fish tend to grow. However, they also live to be much older in cold climates. Female lake sturgeon can live to be over 150 years old!
The Native Range Of Great Lakes Sturgeon
Photo Credit: USGS
Found near or on the bottom of lakes and rivers of the great lakes region, Lake Sturgeon are older than almost any other fish that swims today.
Sturgeon populations have dwindled in many places, which has lead to tighter regulations revolving these funky fish.
Updated February 7th, 2020 at 10:24 AM CT