Bass Fishing Is Country Wide! Bass Ranges In The USA
Ever wonder where you can find different bass species in the U.S.? Here's a simple guide on areas you can generally find each one!
White Bass grow over 4 poundd and are found in rivers, reservoirs and inland lakes. Whitebass are schooling fish and are put up a great fight for their size. Anglers using topwater baits, spoons, swimbaits, and jigs all have a good chance at catching a Whitebass.
Striped Bass are a native to saltwater but spawn in freshwater. Since the mid 1900's, Striped Bass have been successfully introduced to lakes, rivers, and reservoirs throughout the south and western parts of the country where they continue to grow big, fat, and mean!
The Spotted Bass could be considered the southern smallmouth. Spotted bass are native to eastern and usually southern lakes, rivers, and creeks but have been introduced out west in places like California, which now grows the worlds biggest spotted bass.
Rock Bass are not a popular target species but they always seem to find a way into peoples boats. If you fish a finesse bait on any lake with Rock Bass long enough, you'll catch one eventually. Believe it or not, Rock Bass tastes pretty good.
Native to South America, the Peacock Bass was first introduced to Florida's southern canals and lakes. The good looking, hard fighting fish are now also found in Hawaii. No need to travel out of the country to catch this bucket list fish, they're thriving in the good old USA.
Guadalupe Bass (or guads to some) are a species of bass found only in Texas. These small growing fish are native to little streams and rivers and are typically only found in shallow , fast moving water. The Guadalupe Bass is the Texas state fish.
Native to Florida, Georgia, and Alabama the Shoal Bass is a hard fighting fish that looks really pretty. It's sorta like a cross between a smallmouth and a spotted bass. Considered an endangered species, no Shoal Bass can be kept by anglers.
Known for it's drag screaming runs, acrobatic jumps, and beautiful bronze colors, the smallmouth bass is one North America's favorite fish. Big smallmouth grow slow with some northern fish reaching up to 20 years in age!
Largemouth bass are America's fish. Available in ponds, ditches, lakes, and rivers in every US state (except Alaska) the largemouth bass is one of the most available fish there is. Largemouth bass inhale lures, fight hard, and provide memories to millions each year.
Updated September 29th, 2020 at 11:03 AM CT