The State Largemouth Bass Record For Every State In America
Any angler would be lying if they said they’ve never dreamed about catching a monster fish, whether it’s a 10 pounder, a new PB, or even a state record. It's a thought that has crossed all of our minds.
We’ve compiled a list of the State Largemouth Bass Record from all 50 states to help serve as a reference on the quality of fish swimming in your home state. Some records date back to George S Perry's world record bass in 1922 while others state records seem to be broken every year. Either way, we all could literally be one cast away from from the bass fishing record books.
State Largemouth Bass Record Chart
StateWeightLocationAnglerYearAlaskao.5 LbsSand LakeN/A2018Alabama16 lbs, 8 ozMountain View LakeThomas Burgin1987Arizona16 lbs, 7 ozCanyon LakeRandall White1997Arkansas16 lbs, 5 ozLake DunnPaul Crowder2012California21 lbs, 12 ozLake CastaicMicheal Arujo1991Colorado11 lbs, 6 ozEcho Canyon ReservoirJarrett Edwards1997Connecticut12 lbs, 14 ozMashapaug PondFrank Domurat1961Delaware11 lbs, 10 ozWagamons PondAJ Klein2016Florida17 lbs, 4 ozUnnamed LakeBilly O’Berry1986Georgia22 lbs, 4 ozMontgomery LakeGeorge Perry1932Hawaii9 lbs, 9.4 ozWaita ReservoirDickie Broyles1992Idaho10 lbs, 15 ozAnderson LakeMrs. M.W. TaylorN/AIllinois13 lbs, 1 ozStone QuarryEdward Walbel1976Indiana14 lbs, 12 ozUnnamed LakeJenifer Schultz1991Iowa10 lbs, 14 ozLake FisherPatricia Zaerr1984Kansas11 lbs, 12.8 ozPrivate Pit LakeTyson Hallam2008Kentucky13 lbs, 10.4 ozWood Creek LakeDale Wilson1984Louisiana15.97 lbsCaney LakeGreg Wiggins1994Maine11 lbs, 10 ozMoose PondRodney Cockrell1968Maryland11 lbs, 2 ozPrivate PondRodney Cockrell1983Massachusetts15 lbs, 8 ozSampson PondWalter Bolonis1975Michigan11 lbs, 15.04 ozBig Pine Island LakeWilliam Maloney1934Minnesota8 lbs, 12.75 ozTetonka LakeJoseph Johanns1959Mississippi18 lbs, 2.4 ozNatchez State Park LakeAnthony Denny1992Missouri13 lbs, 14 ozBull Shoals LakeMarvin Bushong1961Montana8 lbs, 12.8 ozNoxon Rapids ReservoirDarin Williams2009Nebraska10 lbs, 11 ozSandpit Near ColumbusPaul Abegglen Sr.1965Nevada12 lbs evenLake MeadMicheal R. Geary1999New Hampshire10 lbs, 8 ozLake PotanipoG. Bullpit1967New Jersey10 lbs, 14 ozMenantico Sand Wash PondRobert Eisele1980New Mexico15 lbs, 13 ozBill Evans LakeSteve Estrada1995New York11 lbs, 4 ozBuckhorn LakeJohn L. Higbie1987North Carolina15 lbs, 14 ozPrivate PondWilliam H. Wofford1991North Dakota8 lbs, 7.5 ozNelson LakeLeon Rixen1983Ohio13 lbs, 2 ozPrivate PondRoy Landsberger1976Oklahoma14 lbs, 12.3 ozCedar LakeBenny Williams Jr.2012Oregon11 lbs, 9.6 ozPrivate PondRandy Spaur1994Pennsylvania11 lbs, 3 ozBirch Run ReservoirDonal Shade1983Rhode Island10 lbs, 6 ozJohnson’s PondBrandon Migliore2016South Carolina16 lbs, 2 ozLake MarionP.H. Flanagan1949South Dakota9 lbs, 3 ozHudson Gravel PitRichard Vierick1999Tennessee15 lbs, 2 ozChickamauga LakeGabe Keen2015Texas18 lbs, 2.8 ozLake ForkBarry St.Clair1992Utah10 lbs, 2 ozPowell LakeSam Lamanna1974Vermont10 lbs, 4 ozLake DunmoreTony Gale1988Virginia16 lbs, 4 ozConnor LakeRichard Tate1985Washington12 lbs, 8 ozLake BosworthBill Evans2016West Virginia9 lbs, 9.9 ozDog Run LakeEli Gain2001Wisconsin11 lbs, 3 ozRipley LakeN/A1940Wyoming7 lbs, 14 ozPrivate PondDustin Shorma1992
Which is the most surprising state largemouth bass record to you? Having fished in Wisconsin for a while, I'm shocked the State Largemouth Bass Record is over 11 lbs, as I didn't know double-digit LMBs even existed there!
4 Big Baits That Catch Big Bass, And How To Use Them
Updated January 22nd, 2021 at 2:57 AM CT