Wacky Stick


Product Details

Big Bite Baits Wacky Stick

The Wacky Stick is Big Bite Baits version of the most popular bass fishing soft plastic of all time, the stick bait.

Coming in at 5’’ long the Big Bite Baits Wacky Stick waves, flicks, and flutters the moment it touches water. With unparalleled suppleness and finesse, the Wacky Stick will not only catch you a boatload of fish, but they’ll also hold up after continued use. These stick baits can take a beating.

The options for this bait are limitless, but the most essential and effective techniques are either the wacky rig or Texas rig. Target shallow water with medium action gear when fishing this lure weightless and beef up your gear when pairing weights with your soft plastic stick baits.