Product Details
Daiichi Assorted Worm Hooks
A wide gap worm hook is right for rigging so many types of soft plastics, from Senko-style worms to creature baits and swimbaits. This assortment of worm hooks from Daiichi includes several great variations on the design, letting you opt for the right wire size and color for whatever type of fishing you have planned. Whether you're twitching a fluke along a grass line, pitching a fat craw bait into thick wood cover, or dragging a Carolina rig over a gravelly point, Daiichi's Assorted Worm Hooks will have you covered. Daiichi is one of the first hook manufacturers to offer red hooks, and the durable red finish they use can make a big difference, giving your bait a slightly bloody look that predators can't ignore. The size range in this assortment was carefully determined to meet a wide variety of soft plastic rigging scenarios. The next time you're on the water, enjoy the flexibility of being able to select exactly the right worm hook—have Daiichi's assortment of worm hooks on hand!